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Round Rock Sertoma Girls Softball

Got Questions!

Q: Does RRSGSL own the fields at Old Settlers Park, Hall of Fame Complex?

A: No.  The City of Round Rock owns the fields.  RRSGSL pays the city a usage fee per hour per field.  The city determines when the fields are closed and the amount of use the league is allowed. They also maintain the fields & determine safety due to weather. 

Q: How are registration fees determined?

A: Before each season the board meets to budget for the upcoming year while considering the projected registration numbers. RRSGSL is run by a group of volunteers, we have managed to keep registration fees down, but each year fees are reviewed and set as needed by the board to meet our financial budgets for the year.

Q: What is included in the registration fees?

A: The registration fees provides the funds for uniforms (shirt), 12-14 games in the Spring, 8-10 games in the Fall, fall and spring tournaments, umpires, lights, field usage, clinics, photos, and trophies (Spring only), as well as all of the league expenses as they are incurred.

Q: What additional expenses should I expect? 
A: Nothing official from the league! However, basic equipment needed include a Helmet with facemask, Glove, closed toed shoes as in cleats (no metal cleats allowed unless in 14U+), Socks & pants (determined by your Coach). Bats can be shared until the proper size is determined and infielders masks (recommended).

Q: What is the schedule for practices and games?

A: Each season generally has 1-2 games per week (weekday &/or Saturday-double headers). Exceptions may occur throughout the season, particularly if there are weather make-up dates. Practices are generally scheduled 1-2 times per week.  Individual coaches may schedule additional practices that are solely at their discretion and optional. They will vary on the availability and preferences of our volunteer coaches. There is not any set day of week based on age, it will vary each week. We will not schedule more than 3 days a week. Schedules will be released initially for the first 2-3 weeks, then full remaining season within 2 weeks. League scheduled practices & games are located at our home fields 3449 Aten Loop, Hall of Fame Complex.

Q: How are the age divisions determined?

A: The age for a given Fall and Spring season are determined by the child’s age on December 31st.  Player must be at least 4 years old before first practices thru age 18 up to last game.

Q: When do Registration/Seasons occur?
A: Spring registration opens first weeks of December and runs from February thru mid May. Fall registration opens July 4th and runs September thru week before Thanksgiving. There is no Summer season as it's our All Star season resulting from Spring.

Q. How will I now what team my players is on? 
A: Once the Draft is complete, the BOD will audit the rosters. Within 24-48 hours after the draft, Coaches will receive their roster with contact information. They will reach out via phone or email for first contact introduction with your first practice slots, team name, colors, and sock info. 

Q. How do I register? 
A. Create an Account with the REGISTER button (this would be the adult account holder). Once an Account is created, ADD A PARTICIPANT (this is your Player(s)). If registration is currently open, there will be AVAILABLE PROGRAMS that will guide you thru the process. If NO PROGRAMS available show, there is either no season open at this time OR there may be an error and you can contact the [email protected]

Q: Can my child play an older age group or stay down?

A: No. Players must play their age group.

Q: What if I miss or cannot attend Skills Assessments?

A: All registered players will be placed on a team through the draft process regardless of their attendance at Skills Assessments (tryout style).  If a player does not attend Skills Assessments, the coaches are not provided an opportunity to assess the player’s experience and therefore cannot make an informed decision on their experience level. They will be a Hat Pick, unless they are a Pitcher. The only Make-up is for Pitchers only (anyone wishing to Pitch at all during the season).

Q: How can I guarantee that my child is placed on a specific manager’s team?

A: The only way to guarantee the placement of a player on a specific coach's team is if the player is listed on his/her “protected players” roster. We currently allow 4 Protected players (which includes the coach's player). This "guarantee" is subject to BOD approval.

Q: What if my “Special Request” is not granted, can I get a refund?

A:  Once the draft is complete, there are no refunds, written notification must be received by 5pm on Draft Day. See refund policy as last acknowledgement in the registration process.  The league cannot accommodate requests to play on certain teams or with friends. If your special request has significant relevance, you must enter it in the "Special Request" section during registration. .

Q: How are Coaches selected?

A: Coaches are selected by the board. The board will meet to evaluate the registrations of the candidates, review feedback from previous seasons, background checks, talent level/age of the players for the coach and their competitiveness and discuss any known information (positive or negative) regarding any of the candidates. The candidates are then voted on by the board. The number of coaches is determined by the number of player registrations. They are volunteers.

Q: What can I do if I have a complaint about an umpire?

A: First, gain an understanding of what constitutes an ‘arguable’ offense by an umpire. Judgment calls (fair/foul, safe/out, strike/ball) are not open for interpretation or argument. Lack of umpires knowledge of rules of the game, general ‘laziness’ in the field of play and poor/bad attitudes towards coaches/assistant coaches/parents are all issues of which we would like to be made aware so we can address with Umpire in Charge (UIC). To file an official complaint, you will need to email us at [email protected].  We can ONLY take action when we have actionable data on which to act.

Q: How can I become a member of the Board of Directors?

A: If you wish to get involved with the board you first need to get involved with the league. Volunteer to help when you see it's needed, ask how you can help. Election occurs end of July for the following Fall/Spring year. If elected, you will serve a one year term on the board. However, we do accept nominations or interest all year long for consideration of open positions &/or committees. Interest Form is located under the "Forms" page.

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